Thursday, 1 December 2016


We are now in the month of December, 2016 do not forget that this month rounds off the year and is usually celebrated as it also introduces mankind to the next new year.
this season of the year comes as a beehive and is usually loaded with flurry of activities. many new and quick relationships are struck as people bustle around in preparation for celebration of whatever. for some it is Christmas, for some it is New Year and for others you may never know. In all of this there would be losers, that is, those who are deceived. But those who deceive others take advantage of them - or do you call it gain? God have mercy.
in all these, one must be careful of the relationship they go into or get involved in. So what is relationship? Relationship can be seen as a way in which two or more people behave and are involved with each other.
Relationship can also be defined as the connection or association with people. people can be related by blood or marriage in kinship. there can also be this romantic or sexual involvement between people.
So what you think of, and know of relationship depends on who you are, and what you are made up. The exposure that one has both mentally and environmentally is a great factor.
Many people have been destroyed because of the relationship the went into. Others are in relationships that makes their lives  hell on earth, while others are scared stiff to make any attempt at any meaningful relationship.
Whatever be your case, for as many as are in this contact and reading this message, I have good news for you. You do not have to be beaten down and in defeat. There is a permanent solution in the God of heaven. He is also the God of the Holy Bible. God sent His Son Jesus Christ as solution to all of man's problems. To accept Jesus Christ is to accept the Word of God. Jesus is the truth that sets free. Before you make any relationship with anybody, be sure to have established a relationship with God first, then in His leadership and guidance by the Holy Spirit through His Word, you can relate with anyone else. God Bless.

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