Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man
commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own
body (1Cor. 6:18, NIV).
All through the scriptures, sexual
immorality is clearly portrayed as a terrible sin in the sight of God, with
horrible consequences. A believer in Christ is commanded by God to flee or run
in terror from it. That was exactly what Joseph did when Potipher’s wife put so
much pressure on him to get into sexual sin.
Sexual immorality includes
pre-marital sex, extramarital sex, masturbation, homosexuality, lesbianism,
wife swapping, bestiality, and every sexual engagement outside of the confines
of marriage. The Bible warns that these sins must not be once named among us as
believers, and that those who indulge in them cannot inherit the kingdom of God
(1Cor. 15:50).
In addition to what has been said
above I want to give you twenty more reasons why we should flee from sexual
We must flee because:
God says so in His word.
· It defiles your body which is the temple of the Holy
· It renders you unclean in the sight of God.
It is a sin against your marriage covenant.
It is a sin against your marriage partner.
It defiles the other party involved.
It has destroyed many beautiful lives.
It is a trap for your soul.
It will ruin your testimony.
It will defile your conscience.
It carries horrible consequences in this life.
It carries heavy consequences on the Day of Judgment.
It will lead to hell-fire except there is true
You will not inherit God’s kingdom if you continue in
It will ruin your marriage.
It will bring a curse on your life.
The reproach of it is permanent.
It may lead to untimely death.
It makes you love in hypocrisy and deception.
It pollutes the church of Christ.
It can be passed on from generation to generation.
It damages the fabric of our society.
There are more but need I to say
more? There are people who used to be mighty that are now cast down, a mere
shadow of what they used to be because they were unrepentant about sexual
immorality. There are souls burning in hell now on the account of sexual
immorality. There are homes that have been broken beyond repairs because of sexual
The casualties are too many. You do
not need to be of them. Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit: flee sexual immorality;
it shall be well with you.
But a man who commits adultery lacks judgment; whoever
does so destroys himself. Blows and disgrace are his lot, and his shame will
never be wiped away (Prov. 6:32-33, NIV).
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